Special Educational Needs Provision
At Runcorn All Saints CE Primary School we welcome everybody into our community. The staff, Governors, pupils and parents work together to make school a happy, welcoming place where children can achieve their full potential and develop as confident individuals. We provide a learning environment that enables all children to make the greatest possible progress and achieve their full potential in a caring, supportive and fully inclusive environment. Our ethos is that every child should be supported to achieve academic, emotional, social and physical developmental success.
At Runcorn All Saints we believe that:
- All children should be valued regardless of their abilities or difficulties
- All children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to meet individual needs
- All teachers are teachers of children with SEN
- All children can be enabled to fulfil their potential through effective teaching and learning, supporting and encouraging
- Effective assessment and provision for children with SEN will be secured with partnership with parents/carers, children, the Local Education Authority and any relevant outside agencies.
Special Needs and Disability (SEND Report
SEN information reports are intended to:
- Tell you how the school's SEN policy is used.
- How help and support for pupils with SEND works in that setting.
- What happens and how.
- Be written in a way that makes the information clear and meaningful.
Please click here to view our SEND Information report for 2023-2024
Our SENDCO at school is Mrs J.Robertson. Please email the SENDCo email box for any SEND queries or concerns on: senco@runcornallsaints.school
Alternatively you can call or email the school office if you would like to arrange an appointment.
School Office Email: sec@runcornallsaints.halton.sch.uk
School Office Phone Number: 01928 572091