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Team Nazareth


In Team Nazareth we have Mr Morgan, Mr Brett and Mrs Robertson  with Year 5 and Year 6.  They are also supported by Mrs Graham and Miss Pickersgill.

As with all our class teams, there are times when the pupils are taught together as Year Five/Six and times when they are taught separately as a Year Five group and a Year Six group in different classrooms.

For Maths, Science, Reading and Spelling, Mr Morgan teaches Year Six and Mr Brett teaches Year Five.

For Writing, SPaG and Extended Writing, Mr Morgan teaches Year Five and Mrs Robertson teaches Year Six.   They are taught in two different classrooms.  

For our Foundation Subjects, there are taught as one whole class by either Mr Morgan or Mr Brett.

What are we learning about?

Please link on the link below to find out more about what we are learning about this year.

In September 2024 we will be on Cycle A.

Cycle A Yearly Overview Year 5

Cycle A Yearly Overview Year 6

Cycle B Yearly Overview Year 5

Cycle B Yearly Overview Year 6

Year 5 National Curriculum Overviews

Year 6 National Curriculum Overviews

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