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Our Friday Personal Development Enrichment Curriculum


On Friday afternoons, we have an 'enrichment' session.  We feel it is important to prepare our pupils for their lives beyond our school and so have built into our curriculum provision six sessions that will give our pupils the skills that they need to succeed in the future.

Over the year the pupils will have have the chance to experience each session.  The six sessions are: cooking, mindfulness (Yoga), outdoor learning, safety, gardening and musical instruments.

The pupils are split into six mixed-aged groups each named after one of our Christian Values.   

 Read on to find out more.


There is something special about growing your food and we want our pupils to have the skills and understanding of where food comes from and how e can provide for ourselves through gardening.  The children have grown some of their own fruit and vegetables as well as tending to the upkeep of our school grounds and garden. 


Musical Instruments

Learning a musical instrument can be a lot of fun.


It also a good skill to be able to make a healthy snack or a simple meal.  In our cooking sessions the pupils learn about different cooking techniques and experience making a range of simple and nutritious meals and snacks.



Our school is in the heart of the Old Town and is surrounded by roads, a railway, canals and a river.  It is improtant that our pupils know how to keep themselves safe when playing out and about.

In our safety sessions we learn how and where to cross the road safely, how to keep safe by water, the dangers of railway crossings as well as being safe on our bikes and in cars.



Mindfulness is incredible important on our well-being and we want our pupils to have the skills to swtich off, take time for themselves and reflect.

Outdoor Learning

In our Outdoor Learning session the pupils are out learning and exploring the world around us.  They look at nautre, insects and even enjoy a hot chocolate around the fire pit.

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