Runcorn All Saints CE Primary School Exit Profile

Our twelve experience are:
Make lasting friendships
Visit different places of worship
Watch a live orchestra perform
Visit the theatre and watch a live performance
Compete in a sporting competition
Visit an Art Gallery
Campaign for a charity
Learn to play a musical instrument
Stay overnght on a residential
Look after an animal
Lead a worship in Church
Grow something to eat from seed
At Runcorn All Saints CE Primary School, we believe our job is to nurture our pupils to become thoughtful citizens. It is about providing our children with a plethora of rich experiences through trips and workshops, themed activities and visitors. It is about affecting the way our pupils see the world and develop life experiences. Motivated by our desire to provide children with a richness of experiences beyond the classroom, we have created a list of 12 things to do before leaving Runcorn All Saints.
The aim of this is to ensure that our pupils have the childhood experiences that all young people deserve. Each experience has been woven into the curriculum to ensure that every single pupil completes all 12 things by the time they leave us at the end of primary school, some of them many, many times over.