Eight Steps to Success Progression Documents
As part of our sequenced curriculum, we have mapped out the learning journey for each subject from EYFS to Year 6. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and vocabulary is progressive.
As we would like our children to have the opportunity to have breadth of knowledge and skills, we have identified eight key 'steps' that we want our pupils to know by the end of each phase of learning. EYFS is the foundation/Reception year, KS1 incorporates Years 1 and 2, LKS2 is Year 3 and 4 and UKS2 is Year 5 and 6.
This structure compliments our curriclum maps for each subject and gives the opportunity to revisit skills and learning across two years before building upon them in the next phase.
Click on the subject below to view our progression documents for the specific subjects.
Progression Documents for Maths and English
For Maths and English we have identifed the key knowledge and skills that we want pupils to know and remember at the end of each year group.
Click on the subject below to view the document for each specific subject area.