Pupil Premium Funding
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the government in April 2011 to provide additional funding for disadvantaged pupils. The funding allows schools to provide additional support to pupils who are currently entitled to, or have been entitled to Free School Meals in the last 6 years. Those children who are Looked After by the Local Authority, Adopted or Service Children (one or both parents serve in the armed forces) are also entitled.
Eligability for Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
You may qualify if you are a parent, guardian or carer and receive one of the following:
- Income Support (IS) or you are a pupil receiving the benefit in your own right
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or
- Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
- The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Children who get any of the above benefits in their own right (ie they get benefits payments directly, instead of through a parent or guardian) can also get free school meals.
Please click on the image below to access our Pupil Premium Statement for the academic year 2023 - 2024.