Inspection Reports
Ofsted Inspections
Why does Ofsted inspect schools?
They inspect schools to provide information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive. School inspections are required by law. They provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools, and check whether pupils are achieving as much as they can.
In October 2023, we had a monitoring visit from Ofsted. Please click here to read our visit report.
SIAMs Inspection
Approximately every five years, schools are subject to an inspection which explores the question, “How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?”
This overarching inspection question is examined through seven strands:
1. Vision and Leadership
2. Wisdom, Knowledge, and Skills
3. Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy
4. Community and Living Well Together
5. Dignity and Respect
6. Impact of Collective Worship
7. Effectiveness of Religious Education.
The purpose of SIAMS Inspection is the improvement of Church school education through a focus on the centrality of Christian vision, shining a spotlight on the fundamental right of all pupils and adults to flourish. SIAMS inspectors ask questions about and seek evidence that demonstrates the impact that the school’s vision has directly on the lives, learning, and development of all within the school community.