Welcome to our school's website
Welcome to Runcorn All Saints CE Primary School.
Our school’s motto, ‘Hope - Believe - Achieve', is evident in all aspects of school life. Every member of our school community is valued for their uniqueness and for the important role they play within our school community. (1 Corinthians 12: 4-28). We are a close-knit and caring community of pupils, staff, parents and governors. We all work together to make our school a wonderful place to learn and grow and to make a positive contribution to the community our school serves. We are actively supported by very strong links with All Saints Church and enjoy weekly worships with Rev. Karen. We strongly believe in fostering strong and positive partnerships with parents and the local community and we welcome any support, thoughts and ideas to help us to continue to grow.
We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Trust, Joy, Respect, Compassion, Courage and Forgiveness. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.
Through our broad and rich curriculum, we aim to enable every child to love learning and develop excellent knowledge and skills, enriched by a secure sense of self-worth and deep moral purpose. We believe it is our collective responsibility to enable and encourage every unique child to flourish academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. We aim to nurture skills and talents to enable every individual to achieve, flourish and make a positive difference as active citizens in today’s modern, multi-cultural world.
If you would like to arrange visit, like paper copies of any of our policies or require further information, please contact the school and we will be delighted to welcome and help you.
Warmest wishes,
Joanne Robertson